Monday, October 5, 2009

Can you complete more than 3 tasks?

Quote of the day: "Have fun. Don't take yourself too seriously. We're not talking about life and death here."

If you ever have the opportunity pick up the book 'I Wish' by Tony Altilia. The quote I posted is one of the many that can be found throughout this phenomenal easy to read novel. It gives ten kernels of experience for those beginning their careers from those concluding theirs. I recieved it as a gift and carry it around where ever I go.

Before I begin I must state that I will refer to my mentor Richard Parkinson quite often as I write these posts primarily because his insight and expertise are quite remarkable.

I will start with a list:
1. Carry out my job with diligence, passion and dedication so I can reach my desired objectives.
2. Fulfill my duties as a caring, loving and passionate boyfriend to my phenomenal girlfriend.
3. Continue to move in the direction my track and field career has taken me so far.
4. Continue my application process to business school.
5. Travel across Canada in 6 weeks all the while keeping the client happy and running 9 successful events.
6. Continue to be the driving force behind the marketing initiatives for our Toronto event.
7. Maintain a social life.
8. Keep up my healthy lifestyle.

 Richard, who continually drives me to excel in everything I attempt to accomplish, sat me down one day and lectured me on the importance of balance. His main conclusion was that individuals only have the capacity to complete 3 tasks well. I just provided you with a list of 8 item and I could have easily supplied 3 or 4 more. So how do I strike this balance? Do I eliminate something? Their are aspects of my life that I do not want to give up as it helps me keep my sanity but their is just not enough time in my day to complete every single task well.  I think I am doing a fantastic job but know that their may come a time when I will bite off more than I can chew. Can I prevent this from happening or is this something that makes me unique?

I believe this is enough serious discussion for today. I have finished packing and must say my last goodbyes before heading off to bed and starting the adventure of a lifetime.

See everyone in Vancouver.

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